7 June 2024 Insurance

European MGA Alta Signa expands to ‘diverse and sophisticated’ Swiss market

European boutique managing general agent (MGA) and Lloyd’s coverholder Alta Signa has expanded its DACH region (Germany, Austria, and Switzerland) footprint by establishing a new Swiss operations.

Based in Cham, Zug, the Swiss office will initially focus on directors and officers (D&O) liability insurance with plans to extend its offerings to financial institutions, cyber, and the international marine business. 

Maximillian Moll, branch manager, DACH, said: “With our existing offices in Germany and Austria, the new branch in Switzerland represents the final milestone in our DACH regional footprint. Establishing an office here allows us to leverage our local language skills and distribution networks, which are core to Alta Signa’s unique position in the market. This presence will enable us to offer enhanced insurance solutions developed by technical experts and tailored to the specific needs of the Swiss market, where we see strong growth potential.”

Gerard Van Loon, chief executive officer of Alta Signa, commented: “We believe the Swiss financial services and cyber insurance markets will continue to expand, and offer tremendous opportunities for those that are able to match specialist underwriting expertise and local market insights with global risk capacity, particularly for constantly evolving or newly emerging specialty risks. We are excited to bring our local knowledge and innovative approach to this vibrant market, backed by Lloyd’s Coverholder status and our independent capacity providers, and I have every confidence that Max and the DACH team will drive successful growth in the region.”

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