27 June 2024 Insurance

Tokio Marine Kiln snags long-time Beazley energy underwriting pro

Tokio Marine Kiln has nabbed a Beazley energy underwriting pro to strengthen its focus on global energy risks and renewables. 

The company's energy portfolio focuses on upstream and energy-transition risks. 

Alexandra Barnes will join Tokio Marine Kiln’s marine and energy team focusing on global energy risks and renewables, in autumn. 

Barnes spent 21 of her 26 years in the insurance industry focusing on energy underwriting at Beazley. She is also deputy chair of the joint natural resources committee at the London Market Association.

Richard Hooks, departmental head, marine & energy, Tokio Marine Kiln, said: “Alex is well known and hugely respected within the energy insurance sector, and we are delighted to be bringing in an underwriter whose depth of expertise, experience and client focus complement and further strengthen the existing capabilities of our Energy team.

“Alex will support our focus on continued profitable growth through strategic and opportunistic initiatives within the energy sector, underpinned by strong relationships and technical insight. We look forward to working with her.”

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