10 June 2024 Insurance

Margins safe post-peak, ‘fragilities’ put floor on rate downside: Ark

Bermuda and Loyd's re/insurer Ark Insurance likes the look of the market, with sufficient margin assured in key lines short-term and a series of supports to hopefully buoy against the early signs of market softening, CEO Ian Beaton told an analyst conference. 

“In the near term, we think rates and profitability are good,” Beaton said. “We think they are good and we see opportunities in the classes we are in.” 

Longer-term, early signs of softening will have to be measured against market “fragilities” that could at least put a floor to softening if not trigger a fresh hardening outright, he indicated. 

“We had a good run,” Beaton said of the hard market. “We are seeing the beginnings of softening, but it is a fragile softening.” 

In property cat, the top ends of programmes that have drawn the most new capacity may be down in rate by some 5 to 10%, but the bottoms of programmes “were going up slightly still” even as of the just-cleared 6.1 renewals, Beaton said. “We are not seeing loads of capacity coming in, but we do see sufficient capacity in the market right now,” he said of property. 

As ever, it only takes one active season “for things to change again.” Rampant forecasts for an active season have created “a certain nervousness out there.”

Reams of uncertainties stand at the ready to potentially support rate across lines from any larger softening move  across his book running from the largest segment of property, through specialty, marine & energy, A&H and to the smallest segment of casualty.

“There is lots of uncertainty out there as well,” Beaton said to argue for a floor to softening, citing “quite difficult dynamics in each of the specialty, property and casualty markets.”

Beaton names war, political violence and SRCC risks, the full set of climate-driven property risks and the standard set of social inflation fears as potential buoys to his full set of coverages across . 

War and political risk lines may “continue to find market opportunities” on those continuing risks, especially in a global election year. 

Property lines are taking plenty of support as climate risks on pricey peak peril properties flow through E&S channels. Property also has opportunity “at the secondary perils end as people learn to price it better as well.”

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