18 June 2024 Risk Management

JBA & SA-based GRiP team up to offer African flood risk intelligence

Flood science specialists JBA Risk Management has partnered with a South African insurance data provider to offer customers flood risk intelligence across Africa. 

GRiP, A South African spatial technology and data specialist serving the insurance market, has collaborated with JBA Risk Management to provide its customers access to the latest flood risk intelligence across Africa. 

The partnership is designed to offer insurers insights on flood risk via the GRiP platform to support underwriting operations across personal and commercial lines. 

The deal will enable users to access flood scope and depths, flood scoring and pricing data for current and future climate scenarios, all via API. The GRiP Technology Platform is compatible and interoperable with the main on-platform and off-platform systems used by insurers and their intermediaries and is also offered as a web service, the firm claimed.  

This is the first time flood intelligence at this level will be available on the GRiP platform, the company claimed. The platform already provides insurers with data and insights on risk and accumulations across various natural and man-made perils or hazards. 

Bradford Lubbe, GRiP managing director, said: “Understanding Flood Risk can be a complex process. South Africa has a highly complex climate system with a rich and fascinating topography. The amount of information out there can be overwhelming. 

“The collaboration between JBA and GRiP will help insurers across Africa to simplify this complexity and be able to better understand and assess flood risk.” 

Lubbe added: “JBA Risk Management provides world-leading flood risk insight, and the data is a very fitting and timely addition to the Spatial Technology Solutions provided by GRiP to the insurance sector across Africa.”

Haydn Marchant, re/insurance specialist, JBA said: “Making good quality, useful flood risk intelligence easily accessible has always been important for JBA. We are delighted that our detailed flood risk data will soon be available to GRiP customers across the South African Development Community (SADC) to help users understand and manage flood risk more effectively.”

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