21 January 2022Insurance

WTW looks to rival Aon to target ‘untapped’ Benelux market

WTW (Willis Towers Watson) has hired a senior leader from rival broker Aon to accelerate its growth in the Corporate Risk & Broking (CRB) markets across Benelux, where the company sees a huge “untapped potential”.

Stefan Weda (pictured) will join WTW as head of BRB business for the Benelux countries, while also taking up the role of head of CRB for WTW Netherlands.

Weda will assume his new role on May 1, and will be responsible for leading the overall Benelux CRB business strategy and operational transformation.

He joins from Aon, where he has held a series of senior leadership positions across a 23-year career, including his most recent post as chief commercial officer for Aon’s Commercial Risk, Health & Wealth business in the Netherlands. His previous roles include chief broking officer and managing director of global accounts.

WTW also announced that Catherine Lesourd will add the role of head of CRB for WTW Belgium to her current role as head of CRB for WTW Luxembourg.

Anne Pullum, head of Europe at WTW, said: “Stefan is a proven leader with an impressive record of creating opportunities and solutions that both delight clients and drive strategic growth. The Benelux countries are a strong focus for WTW and we see a lot of untapped potential for our innovative risk solutions and global expertise.”

Angel Hoover, head of Benelux at WTW, added: “Stefan has a key role to play in transforming our CRB business through 2022 as we move towards becoming an essential partner to our clients. Our ambitions include identifying strategic investments, further digitalisation of our operations, and streamlining our operating model. Stefan’s insights, experience, and people leadership skills will be essential in realising these aims.”

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