Price Forbes & Partners, the specialist insurance broker and member of the Worldwide Broker Network, has announced its international team will be attending this year’s FIDES 2015 conference in Santiago, Chile, from October 25-28. The Price Forbes international team is comprised of specialist aviation, specie, accident and health, and property and casualty broking departments, and maintains a significant presence in Latin America. The team is lead by recently appointed Greg Ferguson, managing director, who will be heading the Price Forbes delegation at FIDES 2015. “Price Forbes is delighted to be attending FIDES 2015, which is an essential event for any insurance business operating in Latin America,” said Ferguson. “We see significant opportunity for growth in the LatAm markets and are committed to growing our international division across specialist classes. We believe that we are positioned to offer Latin American businesses access to the highest quality, competitive broking solutions through our global network, no matter how niche or complex their business’ insurance requirements.”