23 July 2021Insurance

Lloyd’s appoints first female deputy chair from leading reinsurance broker

Re/insurance marketplace  Lloyd’s of London has appointed its first female deputy chair from Guy Carpenter, one of the world's leading reinsurance brokers and part of the Marsh & McLennan group of companies.

Vicky Carter (pictured) will take up the deputy chair role in September 2021.

She has sat as an elected member of Lloyd’s Council since February 2019 and has worked for the Lloyd’s market for 40 years, starting her career in medicine before moving to reinsurance broking in 1980.

Carter joined Guy Carpenter in 2010 as vice chairman of international operations and in 2018 became chairman of global capital solutions, international. She also holds positions on the company’s executive committee and board. In addition, she is chair of the Lloyd’s Charities Trust and Lloyd’s Community Programme.

Bruce Carnegie-Brown, chairman of Lloyd’s, said: “I’m delighted that Vicky has agreed to become Deputy Chair of Lloyd’s. This appointment recognises her extraordinary professional contribution to the Lloyd’s market and global (re)insurance industry over many decades. Her leadership will be vital as we progress our work in building the world’s most advanced insurance marketplace.”

Carter added: “I’m thrilled and proud to become Lloyd’s first female Deputy Chair. I am a huge advocate of the market’s global reach and its ability to respond to the changing risk needs of customers and look forward to continuing to contribute to the leadership of Lloyd’s in this new role.”

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26 July 2021   The appointee succeeds Andy Haste who completes nine years in the role at the end of October.
13 July 2021   Lloyd’s says the platform will ultimately reduce cost and improve returns for the market.
22 January 2021   The appointee will oversee market performance and distribution across the corporation.