8 December 2015Insurance

December UK flood losses could exceed Cumbria losses

Risk Management Solutions (RMS), the catastrophe risk modelling company, has claimed that losses from the December 5/6 floods in the UK could exceed those of the Cumbria flood events in 2009.  However, RMS cautioned that it is too early to estimate the exact insured losses at present.  The floods were caused by heavy rain brought by Storm Desmond, the fourth named storm of the season, which affected Northern England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. The UK experienced a very wet November this year, which helped to saturate the ground and exacerbate conditions ahead of the weekend’s intense rainfall, according to RMS.  “In November alone, the Northwest of England has had more than double its normal rainfall levels, while Southern Scotland and Northern Ireland has received around 147 percent and 164 percent, respectively, of their monthly rainfall average,” said the firm.  Although there are no longer any Met Office weather warnings for the UK, RMS warned that there are still 56 severe flood warnings active in England and Wales.

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