28 June 2024 Reinsurance

Gallagher Re draws former SiriusPoint energy leader to drive green solutions

Gallagher Re has hired former SiriusPoint global energy head to oversee green solutions, aimed at facilitating clients energy transition. The executive leaves Fidelis MGU just after four months of joining a head of energy transition.

The reinsurance broker has created a new role of head of green solutions, based in London.

Richard Rudden has joined Gallagher Re following a brief stint at Fidelis MGU, where he was head of energy transition since January 2024.

Prior to that, Rudden was global energy head at SiriusPoint. He joined the company in 2018 at senior energy underwriter.

Rudden previously spent more than seven years at Aspen, latterly as international head of upstream energy.

In his new role at Gallagher Re, he will be responsible for developing insurance and reinsurance solutions within marine, energy and aviation lines. He will also work closely with Gallagher’s wider climate risks teams, across its global business, which are focused on developing solutions that help clients with their carbon emissions reduction and climatic solutions, while developing strategies for climate mitigation and adaptation.

Rudden will be based out of Gallagher’s London headquarters and report to Nick Croxford, head of marine, energy & aviation, Gallagher Re. 

Croxford said: “The insurance and reinsurance ecosystem plays a significant role in driving positive change, and Richard is committed to finding innovative solutions that will both facilitate and kickstart the flow of investment into energy transition technologies/ sustainable energy solutions. As a business, we are determined to be at the forefront of tackling the climate problems we face, and Richard’s appointment is a testament to our dedication to this cause.”

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