RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd.

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Alternative Risk Transfer
As big name reinsurers pulled back from nat cat in the wake of ongoing losses, fresh capital showed little signs of materialising.
Industry legend and entrepreneur Jim Stanard reflects on his career and life in an interview spanning startups, mentors, the future of the market—and his other career in music.
There are some chief execs right now taking a pretty good look at their own affairs in terms of how they spend company funds. I have also heard of a number of companies asking their investor relations teams for a thorough analysis of peer-related performance.
Challenging market conditions and a renewed focus on building its primary insurance business have resulted in Tokio Marine Holdings taking the decision to divest its reinsurance operations in a $1.5 billion sale to specialist Bermuda reinsurer RenaissanceRe Holdings, which is scaling up its business.
Alternative Risk Transfer
The risk transfer landscape is being transformed by consolidation and the idea that bigger and more diversity is better—particularly if access to alternative capital is involved. But, just like in real life, some recent marriages—especially those rushed into for the wrong reasons—may well end in divorce. Intelligent Insurer reports.
Having given up on reinsurance in recent decades, some large insurers have had a change of heart as they seek diversification and the access to the capital markets which reinsurers have developed in recent years. Is their bet that they can handle these volatile risks—and that their shareholders will back them—a risky one? Intelligent Insurer investigates.
American International Group (AIG) CEO Brian Duperreault makes his first major move to reshape AIG and position it for profitable growth.
French reinsurer SCOR has come out relatively unscathed from the record nat cat losses in the third quarter and is expected to be in a good position to take advantage of rising rates in the impacted region.
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7 November 2024   Bullish investment gains offset catastrophe losses in the third quarter.
26 July 2024   Supply has risen to the occasion, but not exceeded; market remains ripe, RenRe says.
25 July 2024   Property shone with 9pps CR improvement against moderate slippage in casualty.
25 July 2024   Q2 fundraising fell 76% y/y to a mere $84.5m; ILS fee income takes its own upward course.
2 May 2024   Property cat reinsurance demand is rising to double digit pace, focused on top layers.
2 May 2024   Int’l commercial lines gained enough margin to recoup profits lost on asset sales.
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