29 May 2024 Insurance

Argo plucks head of professional liability from Markel

Argo Group International Holdings has plucked a key executive from Markel to head up its professional liability business.

John Lecci  (pictured) joins Argo as senior vice president, head of professional liability. He will report to Steven Boughal, head of professional lines.

Lecci has more than 23 years of experience in risk management, underwriting, product development, and broker relations. He joins Argo Group following his role as senior director of US professional E&O at Markel where he managed a $110 million portfolio with a diverse range of professional lines. Additionally, he previously served in management roles at Axis Capital and Capital One Bank.

Boughal said: “John’s proven track record and expertise in professional liability and financial services make him a valuable addition to our team. We are excited to welcome him and are confident his leadership will further strengthen our capabilities and client relationships at Argo.” 

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