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Although the last 12 months have painted a very dark picture of the industry in some ways, through 2018 there has been some robust growth among re/insurance companies.   10 September 2018
Rate increases have tapered off since the January 2018 renewal, with lower, single-digit rate increases in the June and July renewals, according to Megan McConnell, director of underwriting London at Hiscox Re & ILS.   10 September 2018
Fitch Ratings has revised its outlook for the global reinsurance sector to stable from negative, saying it believes that earnings have settled at a “new normal”, with return on capital likely to be more modest but less volatile than before.   10 September 2018
Given some of the headlines and predictions of big rate hikes in the aftermath of the 2017 cat losses in the US, most buyers will be pleased with what remains a relatively stable environment for rates as they head to Monte Carlo, Mark O’Riordan, group reinsurance director at Ecclesiastical, told Monte Carlo Today.   9 September 2018
The recent new wave of consolidation has shown a further trend towards more companies operating so-called hybrid business models, whereby they write both insurance and reinsurance. Such a model can generate useful synergies, but it is also one of many factors driving consolidation, Torsten Jeworrek, member of Munich Re’s Board of Management, told Monte Carlo Today.   9 September 2018
Against a backdrop of record market losses in 2017 and underwhelming rate increases, reinsurers are continuing to consider the ways they deploy their capital and are showing an increased appetite for investment in managing general agent (MGA) platforms.   9 September 2018
Buyers will be watching the continued consolidation in the market with close interest as they assess how their mixture of counterparties might change as a result, and whether some of the new owners of reinsurers intend to change their strategy and risk appetite in any way, James Nash, president, international, Guy Carpenter, told Monte Carlo Today.   9 September 2018
While year-to-date global reinsurance pricing is up slightly between 0 and 5 percent in 2018, in aggregate, momentum is fading as the sector heads towards the January 2019 renewals, according to S&P Global Ratings.   9 September 2018
Technology will be the key to making the insurance industry more accessible—but the pace of innovation must also match the opportunity and demand, Gerry Tighe, head of treaty, Matrix Insurance & Reinsurance Brokers, told Monte Carlo Today.   9 September 2018
Lloyd’s profitability review is being described as the biggest shakeup of the market since reconstruction in the 1990s. As syndicates are forced to pare back capacity, it could have far-reaching consequences well beyond the market itself, as Intelligent Insurer reports.   8 September 2018

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