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‘We’re not using a single brush across our clients, we want to work with our clients, looking at their particular circumstances.’ 17 December 2019
Lloyd’s Blueprint One highlights that talented people will be attracted to the insurance market because of a diverse environment that allows them to thrive, says Maurice Rose, risk and regulatory manager, PwC, and co-chair, Link, the LGBT insurance network. 13 December 2019
With improved gender equality comes better business results, so Intelligent Insurer spoke to business leaders about the current climate of change and what re/insurers can do to accelerate it. 12 December 2019
Edgar Lavarello and Dan Schwarzmann of PwC appointed as joint administrators. 12 December 2019
The island’s government takes financial crime ‘very seriously’. 28 November 2019
PwC study finds Global asset and wealth managers feel ready, deal or no deal. 21 November 2019
Looking ahead, Gallagher said it is ‘committed to working in partnership with the market to cultivate a positive, diverse and inclusive insurance industry’. 14 November 2019
‘Access to a panel of experts helps reduce the likelihood of a breach occurring.’ 14 November 2019
Focus is on innovating to meet customer needs 14 November 2019
Markel names his successor 14 November 2019
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