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Alternative Risk Transfer
ILS as an investment class could benefit from diversity but this must be done with care. Objective triggers must be created carefully to allow for proper pricing, as Clive O’Connell of McCarthy Denning explains. 28 September 2017
Alternative Risk Transfer
Rather than taking advantage of a potential market shift following Harvey and Irma, it’s more important that we think about the transformational steps we can take to expand the ILS market, says Tom Johansmeyer of Verisk Insurance Solutions. 28 September 2017
Some re/insurance executives yearn for the heady days of a hard market but most are more realistic, given the abundance of capital in the industry. The recent hurricanes have given the market an insight into just how rates might respond to big losses, as Intelligent Insurer reports. 25 September 2017
Change may indeed be inevitable. Successful change, however, is not. That is just one insight of author and change management expert Campbell Macpherson, who spoke to Intelligent Insurer about the challenges facing reinsurers. 14 September 2017
“Change may indeed be inevitable. Successful change, however, is not.” That was the winner of our quote of month competition in August. Here, with that in mind, we introduce the first Editor’s Choice Awards in which we identify the companies, ventures and individuals best equipped to make change successful. 14 September 2017
Federal programmes should evaluate where opportunities exist to utilise the private reinsurance market to share risks and protect US taxpayers, says Karalee Morell of the Reinsurance Association of America. 11 September 2017
All re/insurers and brokers are grappling with the implications of an unprecedented wave of new technologies labelled ‘insurtech’ which are capable of transforming their businesses. In a webinar sponsored by Xceedance, four senior executives debated how insurers, reinsurers and brokers should respond to this barrage of change and innovation. 11 September 2017
To find out what the future holds for the motor insurance industry and how it is dealing with the challenges it faces, Intelligent Insurer invited experts from major players in the market to discuss the challenges and potential solutions. 11 September 2017
Some 18 months ago, Stephen Postlewhite, chief executive officer of Aspen Re, was moved to head up the group’s insurance business and tasked with repositioning the business and implementing a new business model. He spoke to Intelligent Insurer about his achievements so far and the challenges to come. 9 September 2017
Barbican has bucked many trends and proved the doubters wrong since its ‘brutal’ 2007 launch. But going against the grain is second nature to David Reeves, its chief executive, who is comfortable doing things his way, away from the pack. Intelligent Insurer reports. 6 September 2017
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