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Loss estimates for hurricane Laura are diverse and vague. Steve Smith, director, insurance product and modelling for QOMPLX, says he knows why – and what to do about it. 24 September 2020
Two executives (both under 35) tipped for the top, share their insights with Intelligent Insurer on how to recruit and retain fresh talent, develop next generation skills and ensure the valuable work to create a more diverse workforce continues. 21 September 2020
Risk Management
Timing of renewals is also a concern, says Skinner ahead of Airmic Fest. 15 September 2020
Risk Management
The virtual Airmic Fest aims to offer the best qualities of a live event, but in an online format. 15 September 2020
Risk Management
Lloyd’s always has a strong presence at Airmic’s annual conference and this year’s online Airmic Fest is no exception. Keith Stern, UK & Ireland regional manager at Lloyd’s, told Intelligent Insurer what lies in store. 15 September 2020
Risk Management
Strong relationships with insurers are now more important than ever. 15 September 2020
COVID-19 has caused immense upheaval for insurers and insureds, with many people left feeling their insurers have abandoned them in their time of need. Rick Lindsey, CEO of Prime Insurance Company, believes this sense of dissatisfaction and betrayal has escalated the situation to a point where class actions are on the cards. 14 September 2020
Terrifying walls of flames and the widespread devastation they leave in their wake are expected to increase in the US as a result of climate change. Intelligent Insurer finds out how insurance pricing can incentivise individuals and society to increase wildfire mitigation efforts. 11 September 2020
Social inflation is a big issue for insurers, especially in the US where plaintiffs’ lawyers are demanding ever-larger pay-outs, backed by juries who are increasingly inclined to back David against Goliath. But the right approach will reduce this trend, as Rick Lindsey, CEO of Prime Insurance Company, tells Intelligent Insurer. 7 September 2020
Deal-making was up in the first half of 2020 but experts at Clyde & Co predict a drop in M&A activity in the latter half of the year as the COVID-19 effect makes itself known. Those looking for opportunities may be in a better position in 2021 as Intelligent Insurer looks at the trends driving the predicted comeback for M&A next year. 4 September 2020
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