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Where the new ILS opportunities lie — and how to access them
Alternative Risk Transfer
In a webinar hosted by Intelligent Insurer’s Re/insurance Lounge, AkinovA CEO Henri Winand and Kirill Savrassov of Phoenix CRetro explored the possibilities for ILS to expand into new geographies and lines of business.   11 December 2020
Insurers must not fear e-commerce thinking
The sum.cumo Insurance Platform takes the best of the evolving e-commerce industry, and layers it into tools that are purpose-built to drive growth and scale for the insurance industry, writes the firm’s Björn Eickmann.   9 December 2020
Underwriters can now go further with critical insight information
The accelerating use of telematics offers underwriters ‘deeper insights’ to boost customer personalisation, says CCC Information Services.   7 December 2020
Implementing ‘a cultural shift’ is the biggest challenge for AI insurance projects, says Intellect SEEC.   4 December 2020
Top executives from reinsurance broker Miller, CEO Greg Collins and executive chairman Ken MacDonald, outlined the reasons behind its recent acquisition by Cinven and GIC, and how this will support its plans for expansion.   1 December 2020
Jérôme Jean Haegeli, group chief economist at Swiss Re, highlights opportunities for key developments in areas such as digital transformation and supply chains and explains why a challenging macroeconomic environment is not necessarily bad for financial markets, especially with a COVID-19 vaccine on the horizon.   1 December 2020
Risk Management
The current hardening insurance market is driving greater interest in self-insurance via a captive and leading to a cooling of relations between companies and their insurers. AMRAE president Oliver Wild told Intelligent Insurer why insurers need to have a rethink—and talk to risk managers.   25 November 2020
Infrastructure is the key to leveraging automation in underwriting, says Ed Challis of Re:infer, ahead of a webinar in Intelligent Insurer’s underwriting webinar series.   20 November 2020
Fully digitising claims to deliver personalised and real time customer experiences will, crucially, bring the whole claims process 'into the modern world', argue insurance industry experts.   18 November 2020
There’s frequently an emphasis on automation in the claims arena but, in reality, a balance between automation and personal interaction must be struck.   18 November 2020

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