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Russia presents international insurers and reinsurers with many opportunities for growth and expansion. However, those looking to hitch a ride on the back of the old bear should approach it with caution. 1 October 2012
Alternative Risk Transfer
The rise of ILS and non-traditional sources of capacity has been the centre of much debate in the industry of late. In a two-part feature, we explore the pros, cons and opinions surrounding this market from those operating at its heart. 1 October 2012
Alternative Risk Transfer
BNY Mellon deals with three quarters of the world’s top 100 life companies and almost three quarters of the biggest non-life companies. 1 September 2012
Insurers face a myriad of challenges at the moment in what is a demanding market environment. Intelligent Insurer speaks to the team at Barclays about some of the potential solutions to these problems. 1 September 2012
As the risks insurers and reinsurers grapple with become more complex, the industry needs more specialist legal help. Intelligent Insurer speaks to the team at law firm Patton Boggs about how they see the industry changing. 1 September 2012
The London Market’s heritage and tradition can make it a complex and baffling world for cedants, especially when making a claim to recover their reinsurance assets. 1 September 2012
In fast-moving markets, reinsurers need to be nimble and innovative. Intelligent Insurer speaks to Bruno Freire, executive director of Austral Re, about how the company is responding to the needs of Brazilian cedants. 1 September 2012
As bond market investors grapple with fiscal crises and seek safe havens, John Gilbert, chief investment officer at GR–NEAM, looks at the trends he sees emerging in a world where governments will not always step in as lenders of last resort. 1 September 2012
For the last 55 years, insurance and reinsurance executives have flocked to sunny Monte Carlo to meet with their peers. Intelligent Insurer looks at how Les Rendez-vous de Septembre has changed over the years. 1 September 2012
In a rapidly changing world for insurers with many challenges on the horizon, understanding how to optimise asset-liability management is more important than ever, say Bob Swarup and John Townley. 1 September 2012
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