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As margins in parts of the business have tightened in recent years, cutting costs has become ever more important to insurers, leading to a boom of outsourcing companies. Intelligent Insurer examines which functions are being outsourced and which are seen as too important to risk giving to a third party. 16 July 2013
After many years of softening, the excess and surplus lines market is now in a state of rehabilitation—but its health remains delicate, Michael Sillat of WKFC Underwriting Managers tells Intelligent Insurer. 16 July 2013
Compliance with sanctions is nothing new to re/insurers. But as recent headlines involving Iranian crude oil being processed in India have proved, they are becoming more widespread, complex and are starting to have commercial ramifications for reinsurers. Intelligent Insurer investigates. 16 July 2013
There is more competition between specialist re/insurance lawyers than ever—a phenomenon that is generally good news for clients. In the second part of this feature, Intelligent Insurer explore how law firms are reacting to these changes and targeting new markets. 16 July 2013
If it is to keep pace with the rate of change in the wider world, the insurance industry must throw off its shackles and embrace innovation. The risks of not doing this are as great as the rewards for companies that succeed, Mike McGavick, chief executive of XL, tells Intelligent Insurer. 16 July 2013
The recent rapid influx of capital markets money into the reinsurance sector could represent the single biggest change the industry has ever experienced. Whether it is a case of revolution or evolution, we examine the 10 red hot questions the industry is struggling to answer about the consequences of this change. 16 July 2013
A change in attitudes and less reliance on risk models could be the key to underwriting success, as Mike Pilla of Technical Risk Underwriters told Intelligent Insurer. 16 July 2013
The growing concentration of power among the ‘Big Three’ brokers is not beneficial for the industry, Rod Fox, TigerRisk’s CEO, tells intelligent insurer. 16 July 2013
The recent reduction in litigation between insurers and reinsurers could be reversed as the industry increasingly moves into underwriting risks it is less familiar with, John Nonna from Patton Boggs tells intelligent insurer. 16 July 2013
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