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The professional liability lines market in the US remains a mixed bag and highly competitive but with opportunities and growth for specialist players launching relevant products. 1 September 2013
In the first of our columns from the Association of Professional Insurance Women Isabel Silvestri, its president, tells Intelligent Insurer how organisations like this have helped women break through the glass ceiling and create a new generation of working women. 1 September 2013
Despite its vital role allowing global economies to work smoothly while providing security, protection and peace of mind to its customers, the insurance industry struggles to gain respect—perhaps it just needs to communicate better, better, says Mike Morrissey. 1 September 2013
Berkshire Hathaway’s recent arrangement with Aon, whereby it takes a 7.5 percent quota share on all retail subscription business with some Lloyd’s participation, has caused controversy in the industry. Intelligent Insurer asked a range of industry figures: “Do you believe it represents an innovative blueprint of things to come in the industry, or a potential threat to underwriting expertise?” 1 September 2013
Low penetration rates, ambitious construction projects and the approach of two world sporting events mean that Brazil is ripe with opportunities for reinsurers. Intelligent Insurer gives an overview of the market. 19 July 2013
In our annual legal survey, we aim to discover which law firms and lawyers are leading the field in the insurance and reinsurance space. 19 July 2013
As the proud sponsor of the ILS section of Intelligent Insurer, Wells Fargo explains why the use of collateral is crucial, whatever the type of ILS deal. 17 July 2013
As her firm celebrates its 60th anniversary, Ingrid Carlou, the CEO of Patria Re, explains why the raft of strategic shifts in the business in recent years means the reinsurer is ready to benefit from these fundamental changes in the market. 16 July 2013
The run-off sector is a substantial market. In a survey this year, PwC estimated that a staggering €220 billion of discontinued non-life liabilities is held on the books of European insurers alone. Intelligent Insurer investigates the potential effects of Solvency II on this sector. 16 July 2013
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