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As the Lloyd’s market builds a tangible global presence, it does so against a backdrop of conflicting dynamics: the irreversible march of globalisation with all the incumbent risks involved yet the growing spectre of protectionism, which potentially limits the ability of the re/insurance industry to do what it does best, as John Nelson, the market’s chairman, tells Intelligent Insurer. 20 October 2014
At this moment in time, big cedants retaining more risk is a hot topic. Intelligent Insurer examines why this is happening and what it means. 20 October 2014
A changing attitude towards ILS as a form of risk transfer is now evident: cedants are moving growing chunks of their programmes to the sector and reinsurers are finding ways of getting in on the action. But perhaps the industry should not rely too much on this form of capital. Intelligent Insurer investigates. 20 October 2014
Access to global reinsurance markets is crucial for catastrophe exposures, says Frank Nutter. 20 October 2014
Our industry is now recognised as a leader in offering concrete solutions to the challenges of climate change, says Mike Morrissey. 20 October 2014
Adam Podlaha, head of Aon Benfield’s catastrophe model development centre, Impact Forecasting, tells Intelligent Insurer how the increased use of open models is paving the way for new perils, while bringing transparency and regulatory benefits to clients. 16 September 2014
As the industry continues to face a challenging regulatory and capital management environment, new technologies such as Netsett are helping insurers to keep ahead of these development, as Emmanuel de Rességuier, global head of Working Capital Advisory, Insurance at Deutsche Bank, explains. 16 September 2014
Recent English cases reinforce the principle that following markets will be forced to pay claims as settled by their expressly designated lead underwriter, as Bill Perry, senior partner of Carter Perry Bailey and immediate past president of Insuralex, explains. 16 September 2014
Andy Tromans, partner, Corporate Insurance at Clyde & Co explains why the sector has seen a recent spike in hedge fund-backed reinsurers. 15 September 2014
Alternative Risk Transfer
Gibraltar’s regulator recently issued its ILS guidelines. Michael Ashton,
senior executive at Gibraltar Finance, tells Intelligent Insurer what this means for the jurisdiction and how it is seeking to establish itself as a leading ILS domicile. 15 September 2014
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