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Alternative Risk Transfer
In Standard & Poor’s (S&P) latest ILS blog, Taoufik Gharib, director, S&P, shares his and others’ views on the market, voiced recently at an S&P insurance conference. 6 July 2015
As the implementation of Solvency II finally approaches, one worried actuary wrote to us expressing some deep concerns about its implementation. We then asked our online readers if they agreed or disagreed with the piece and why. What follows is the original letter and some of the responses we received. 6 July 2015
Alternative Risk Transfer
Traver Alexander, public policy and regulatory affairs representative at the Association of Bermuda Insurers and Reinsurers (ABIR), explains the trends in the Bermuda ILS region and peril exposures in recent times. 24 June 2015
Alternative Risk Transfer
More smaller cedants are looking to use insurance-linked securities (ILS) or other alternative structures to transfer risk. Adam Szakmary, portfolio manager, Blue Capital Management, talks to Intelligent ILS about what is driving this trend. 24 June 2015
Alternative Risk Transfer
As the ILS asset class has become more complex, so have the fund managers who handle the assets, says Paul Schultz, CEO, Aon Securities. 24 June 2015
Alternative Risk Transfer
Paul Schultz, CEO at Aon Benfield Securities, talks to Intelligent ILS about short-term cat bonds, ILS transparency and trading in the secondary market. 28 May 2015
This month, Tom Johansmeyer, AVP – reinsurance services, marketing at ISO/Verisk Insurance Solutions, talks about the growing interest in cat bond lite transactions. 28 May 2015
Alternative Risk Transfer
Increasing jackpot sizes and the desire to diversify led Lottoland, a specialist provider of betting services, to issue Gibraltar’s first ILS. Nigel Birrell, CEO, Lottoland, talks to Intelligent ILS about the transaction and the benefits for both the company and Gibraltar. 27 May 2015
Alternative Risk Transfer
The announcement by the UK government that it will develop a new competitive corporate and tax regime to allow ILS to be domiciled in the UK is an exciting development, but significant challenges will need to be overcome, as Colin Graham, partner and insurance tax leader at PwC UK, explains. 27 May 2015
Alternative Risk Transfer
In their first blog, Gary Martucci, director and Maren Josefs, associate director at rating agency Standard & Poor's, talk about the impact of ILS on reinsurer ratings. 27 May 2015
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