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Keep your cards close to your chest
What are the real dos and don’ts of the art of negotiating? Here are some hints and tips to executives buying everything from coverage to another company.   14 September 2015
The question of the taxability of foreign insurance transactions under the IRS ‘cascading’ excise tax system seems now to have been settled, says Joseph Sieverling.   14 September 2015
Fixed income trading in the era of liquidity shortages
In light of mounting concerns about the liquidity of fixed income markets, Keenan Choy and Richard Lewis, fixed income trading managers at Wellington Management, outline current conditions in the segments they cover and how the firm’s trading professionals, working with portfolio managers, are addressing the liquidity challenge.   14 September 2015
Marine insurers attending the annual International Union of Marine Insurance conference in Berlin this September will have no shortage of talking points. The sector is increasingly having to respond to external threats and changes while still grappling with age-old challenges including pirates. Intelligent Insurer reports   14 September 2015
Alternative Risk Transfer
UK terrorism pool Pool Re aims to influence behavioural change by rewarding commercial building owners with insurance credit reductions in exchange for increased security measures. Julian Enoizi, CEO, Pool Re, talks to Intelligent Insurer.   14 September 2015
The unique capital base of Qatar Re, the dedicated reinsurance arm of Qatar Insurance Company, gives it the strength and flexibility to deliver its stated aim of becoming a well diversified global reinsurer, Gunther Saacke, its chief executive, tells Intelligent Insurer.   14 September 2015
Governments play the role of reinsurer of last resort in many instances, whether it be through a formalised risk-transfer system or simply because they have no choice. But where such entities begin to stray out of their home markets, things can get interesting, as Intelligent Insurer discovers.   14 September 2015
While cyber risk is getting higher on the agenda of every company, a recent Lloyd’s report which also detailed severe potential insurance losses should make the industry sit up and take notice of this fast-growing but ever-changing threat, as Intelligent Insurer discovers.   14 September 2015
The London Market and Lloyd’s have overcome many challenges in their long history and come out stronger. But with a potential exit from the EU on the horizon and intense competition from other global hubs, can the world’s historical centre for risk transfer remain ahead of the curve for much longer? Intelligent Insurer reports.   14 September 2015
As the three-way PartnerRe-AXIS-Exor battle proved, the M&A trail can be a challenging and adrenaline-fuelled business. But what is driving such deal frenzy and what is the reality for companies when post-deal reality kicks in and normal business must resume? Intelligent Insurer reports.   14 September 2015

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