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Alternative Risk Transfer
Asha Attoh-Okine, managing senior financial analyst at AM Best's Insurance-Linked Securities Group takes a look at the evolution of the convergence market. 19 November 2015
In June, Swiss reinsurance broker Reunion held its fourth annual round table discussion—this year in St Petersburg, Russia. The 2014 discussion focused on the coverage of engineering and construction risks in Russia. What follows is a snapshot of a part of the discussion which focused on construction and erection risks and delayed start-up coverage. 3 November 2015
Alternative Risk Transfer
As the end of the year approaches and Monte Carlo recedes into the background, Paul Schultz, chief executive officer at Aon Securities takes a look at where the ILS market currently stands. 22 October 2015
Alternative Risk Transfer
Don Kramer is a legend in traditional reinsurance thanks to the multiple ventures he has founded and built over the years. Now, energised rather than perturbed by change, he is doing it all again—this time in the rapidly growing ILS space, as he explains to Intelligent ILS. 22 October 2015
Alternative Risk Transfer
As the ILS market continues to grow, an increasing number of innovative products are finding their way to the market. Bill Dubinsky, Head of ILS at Willis Capital Markets & Advisory, looks at current market trends and the Azzurro Re I catastrophe bond. 22 October 2015
Fixed income alternatives are an increasingly important part of portfolio management in the current environment. Michael Taylor, association director—fixed income product management, Wellington Management, looks at the roles alternatives can play, as well as what makes a successful manager. 15 October 2015
As the market shows little signs of rejuvenation, diversification into new lines and regions is a necessary play for growth for many insurers, Michael Sillat, CEO and president, WKFC Underwriting Managers, tells Intelligent Insurer. 15 October 2015
Financial institutions often veer close to financial disaster - sometimes through no fault of their own but because something unanticipated has gone wrong. Intelligent Insurer takes the first of what will be a series of glimpses at the world of operational risk. 15 October 2015
Intelligent Insurer asked a wide range of companies to identify some of the challenges they see the insurance industry facing in the near to medium term. Some of the answers were humdrum, others surprising. But they all share one thing—they will have to be faced by the market and then dealt with. In the first of a two-part feature here are five of 10 challenges the industry must overcome. For the next five challenges, see the November issue of this magazine. 14 October 2015
The approaching January 1 renewal will create an interesting dynamic with buying trends centring on structural change, multi-class programmes and the battle for reinsurer signings. Nick Frankland, CEO, EMEA, Guy Carpenter, talks to Intelligent Insurer. 14 October 2015
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