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Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) attacks represent a huge threat to large populated cities and the material is readily available to terrorists, according to Pool Re. Speaking ahead of a joint conference in London, Pool Re and the Washington-based non-profit organisation Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) explain to Intelligent Insurer why they are now focusing on this particular risk. 6 April 2017
Ireland is the most attractive location for insurers seeking to create a unit within the EU to retain access to the common market after the Brexit vote, according to a survey conducted by Intelligent Insurer. 5 April 2017
An unspectacular increase in large claims led Lloyd’s of London to report underwriting losses in all classes in the accident year 2016, driving the management to take action to improve underwriting quality and expenses. 31 March 2017
Alternative Risk Transfer
While alternative capital is here to stay, the industry could well experience a significant reset in rates if cracks in reserves widen and this combines with a big catastrophe loss, says Weston Hicks, the president of Alleghany, who also explains to Intelligent Insurer why his business is ready to benefit from such a scenario. 29 March 2017
Re/insurance roles are changing and the industry will require a more diverse and tech-savvy set of skills and new talent to tackle the challenges of this evolving landscape, but a shortage of candidates has raised concerns around how to fill the approaching gap. Intelligent Insurer investigates. 24 March 2017
Alternative Risk Transfer
The ILS market remains on course for healthy growth as it enters the second quarter of the year, according to Paul Schultz, chief executive of Aon Securities. 23 March 2017
Alternative Risk Transfer
Fifty percent of pension plans state that getting trustees comfortable with ILS is the biggest impediment to allocation. Noel Hillmann, managing director of Clear Path Analysis, takes a look at the findings of a recent survey. 23 March 2017
Alternative Risk Transfer
PCS designated more catastrophe events in 2016 than in any year since 1980, as Tom Johansmeyer of ISO Claims Analytics, a division of Verisk Insurance Solutions, reports. 23 March 2017
Innovation and change never occur in isolation—they happen because of external forces, argues Richard Clark, business development director at Xuber, a part of CSC, as he tells Intelligent Insurer about the drivers of change for re/insurers at a macro level. 22 March 2017
Reinsurers are particularly exposed to the UK’s decision to lower the Ogden personal injury discount rate by far more than expected, which is boosting victims’ compensation and the need for reserves, impacting the profitability of the business. 21 March 2017
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